
AWM is an excellent resource for study and research, holding over 1.5 million documents pertaining to women in the Army.

Submitting a Research Inquiry

Research Inquiry Photo

To submit an inquiry or research request please send us an email. We ask for you to be as specific as possible; this will allow us to most efficiently and effectively search our holdings.

Our RESEARCH REQUEST FORM will tell you what kind of information we are looking for. You can print the form to mail it or fill it out and email it to the museum as an attachment.

If you cannot access the form please send the following information with your inquiry:

  1. Your name and contact information
  2. What or who you are wanting to research (full name, maiden name, serial number)
  3. What sort of documentation you are wanting to find
  4. The reason for conducting research
  5. Are you planning to visit
  6. Any additional information you can give (i.e: deadlines, locations of service, previously found research…)

We receive hundreds of research requests on a monthly basis so please give the archivist a few weeks to respond; the requests are answered in the order in which they are received.